McDonald's | Questions

Our Food Your Questions

    Asked by Mohammed khawaja

    Correct me if im wrong but your chicken is sourced from Malaysia? what about your beef?

    Hello! Our 100% pure and Halal meat is all sourced from approved suppliers who adhere to McDonald's stringent food quality and safety standards as well as globally-recognized Halal practices.  

    As of the date of this response, the beef is sourced from approved suppliers in Australia and Brazil, and processed in Lebanon, by our approved supplier DEKERCO. 

    For most of our Chicken products, the chicken is sourced locally, by our approved supplier HAWA CHICKEN. 

    As for the veggies used to prepare our burgers, we use locally grown veggies by Alpha Green from the Bekaa Valley. 

    Our golden McFries are grown and produced in France, by our approved supplier McCain.  

    Our suppliers have a longstanding reputation for excellence, and share our commitment to animal welfare, and good agricultural practices. We hope this answers your question.

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    Asked by lololololo

    Is your Oil shared between veg, fish, beef and fries station? How is your Oil cleaning method? Is the oil cleaning container shared?

    Hello, we strictly separate frying vats for all our fried products. We have a dedicated vat for fries, another for veggie (currently unavailable), another for spicy products, and  another vat for chicken products. We definitely don’t mix frying vats. When frying our products, we make sure we use the best quality of less saturated fat canola and soft seed oil. With its reliable measurement technology, we use a new machine called testo, which is a digital cooking oil tester, that ensures quality assurance for our deep fryer. It measures the Total Polar Material in the oil used. So when the TPM reaches the limit value, we know the oil needs to be changed. We hope this answer was clear enough.

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    Asked by Puneet Lakhi

    Does your food not rot?

    McDonald's food is just like the food you prepare at home. If you think about the ingredients of our beef burgers, for example, you will find 100% pure and Halal beef patties, farm-fresh tomatoes, lettuce and onions and high-quality buns sourced from our approved bakery. Therefore, our food will also decay or rot when left for some time in an environment that supports the rotting process. However, there is something important to note about the process. Essentially, the microbes that cause rotting are a lot like us, in that they need water, nutrients, warmth and time to grow. If we take one or more of these elements away, then microbes cannot grow or spoil the food. McDonald's food generally has less humidity (or water) content, due to the fact that our patties are grilled on a double-sided hotplate, which extracts most of their humidity in the form of vapor; and our buns are toasted, thus losing significant amounts of their humidity, too. In a nutshell, McDonald's food would decay, but it could be in the form of drying rather than rotting unless the cooked food's humidity is maintained by wrapping the food with cling foil or storing it in a high humidity environment. Hope this information is helpful and thank you for your question!
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    Asked by Lily

    what type of oil is used in fries?

    Hi! We use a high quality blend of vegetable oil to cook our delicious fries. Our oil is cholesterol free with a very low percentage of saturated and trans fats.
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    Asked by Hadi

    Do your chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers contain any egg products?

    "Hi there,The egg is not present as an ingredient in our Beef patties or McNuggets. However, we always point out that cross contact between food items in any working kitchen cannot be ruled out despite our rigorous measures.Thanks for your question! "
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    Asked by Sara

    I heard most of the things imported from other countries to meet the requirements, how you maintain the freshness of food like chicken ?

    Hello, good question! At McDonald's we adhere to strict standards of quality, food safety and Halal practices, whether at our approved suppliers abattoirs or in our kitchens. To maintain the quality of our ingredients, especially when it comes to raw meat, we use freezing, which is a commonly used method of food preservation. Holding the food under frozen conditions during transportation and storage ensures it doesn't spoil. The snap-freezing method we use for our chicken and beef doesn't negatively affect its quality, flavor or texture but it does ensure that we provide our customers with consistent, safe food.
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    From The Farm To Front Counter

    Famous McNuggets

    The journey of our famous McNuggets!

    Famous Fries

    The journey of our famous Fries!

    Famous Big Mac

    The journey of our Beef Patty!